Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One week Later.....

One week later you have to return to chemo camp for bloodwork. After all the good stuff has been pumped into you, your system can be a little "off". A few vials of blood will tell. I am happy to report that my white blood cell count was low but not too low so that I needed the dreaded Neulasta shot. This is a shot that stimulates your bone marrow to starting pumping out massive amounts of white blood cells. White blood cells are the guys or maybe I should say the gals that keep infections at bay. We need lots and unfortunately chemo kills them along with the cancer. This shot, from what I hear - and I hear a lot, makes you feel really horrible. You get more flu like symptoms and you have bone pain. So, needless to say I was very happy to learn that I didn't need it. I did have to go walk in hours at the pediatrician with Nick the other day (nothing serious) and I was not delighted to be in a room full of sick kids. There were tons of them, sneezing, whining, crying, coughing, dripping with all kinds of bodily fluids. I had to pull the cancer card and ask to be put in a room away from those little monsters. I would have worn a mask if I had one - people would probably think I was afraid of the swine flu but it probably would have been a good idea. I'm happy to report that I didn't get any infections from the germ infested pediatricians office and I'm feeling much better. Talk to ya soon.

xoxo Susan

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY...NO Neulasta shot needed! But if you do have to receive it, it's really not that bad. I did have to take the shot (like clockwork) every Monday, after my Friday chemo. I didn't have any horrible side effects other than being really tired...but I'm ALWAYS tired, so what's new! :-)
    The one week I didn't receive it (due to my little
    "feinting" episode, by white blood cells were 00.6
    YIKES!!! So i had to get 3 "take home shots" that
    I was supposed to "do myself." Ugh...no thank you. I walked across the street to my friend the nurse, and said "stick me please!" I'd much rather have gotten the Neulasta at the doctor's office! How often are you going to chemo? Hang in there girl...you're doing GREAT!

