Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hair Yesterday, Gone Today

Well, it's gone. It was there yesterday but it's gone today. I'm talking about my hair. I really thought I was going to be one of those people who keep their hair during chemo. You know the 1% of so who have hair that just won't let go. But.... I am not. I went to my hairdresser Angie yesterday who opened her shop for me. She's normally closed on Mondays but I called her and she ran down to meet me there. She cut it really, really short and told me to pull it out by hand. No shaving or buzzing it because it hurts. I got home last night and starting to pull it out by hand. It didn't hurt because it was ready to come right out. I am officially bald (well, except for a few stubborn stragglers). I have a bandana on today. I'm also wearing large hoop earrings. I feel like a pirate. Maybe I'll get an eye patch to complet the look! I do have a wig but it feels big on my now bald head. I got it fitted when I had a huge head of hair - might have been a mistake?? I'll wear it when John takes me out to all those fancy places but I'm probably just going to wear the bandana or a scarf. They're just more comfortable for me. I'll take pictures so those of you who are far away can see the "look". It 's really something to see!!


  1. Sue - ah what memories you are bringing back for me! I actually cut my hair short before the chemo and then once it started falling out I let the kids shave my head (incidentally in a hotel room in Hilton Head!). I was also reading the older posts about the chemo and you got me laughing about the benedryl stupor. I can remember reading a book and trying to finish really quickly before the benedryl kicked in because I knew that printed words would make no sense after that!
    I am so glad you liked your Longmeadow package. Remember only 1 a day......Hang tough and remember that if anyone complains about having a bad hair day you should tell them to try a no hair day!


  2. Susan,
    Being Armenian will definitely work in your favor. Your hair will grow back faster, longer and darker than anyone else who has lost their hair.

    (it happens to me all the time on my face, I am sure it will work on the head :))

    Thinking of you always and so proud of you having such a strong and positive outlook.


  3. Susan,
    I just got off the phone w/ you and then read this...you never said a thing about your hair...and said you are fine and have the best attitude! Good thing I didn't mention the pirate and jacob would've run down the street to see the Pirate!!!! Sending you love and hope Nick is feeling better!!!!! xo

  4. Oh Susan!!! I feel for you..(((((((HUGS))))))) I know what it's like to have those hair "chunks" in your hand. We can't really explain the feeling, can we? But here is my list of GREAT things that only bald people can do:
    1. Save time in shower, no shampoo or conditioner
    deal with
    2. MONEY saved not buying hair "products"
    3. Hair dryer...who needs it!
    4. When driving in the car, ROLL THOSE WINDOWS
    DOWN ALL THE WAY BABY..no hair to blow and
    get messy! Enjoy the breeze!
    5. If your head is hot, just toss the bandana
    and your head will be cool in seconds,no need
    to worry about sweaty or greasy hair

    I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones that come right to mind. And since I had LONGGG
    dark hair, I have enjoyed each of the above since losing mine! :-)

    I have a wig too, mine had "adjustment straps" inside the wig. Check to see if yours has them too. I rarely wear mine though, too HOT!! lol what will I do when mine grows back! I only have THREE MORE CHEMO TREATMENTS!! Then, let the stubble begin. (I'd rather see my eyebrows grow back first, to tell the truth)

    All my love to you and more hugs and kisses then I can send your way. Hang in there, and embrace the new you, because you are BEAUTIFUL!!


  5. (((Hugs))) to you Susan! I haven't been through the experience but love what the others have said; especially the list #1-5 a couple of posts above. I love your positive attitude too! That's half the battle, isn't it?!
